Restoration project for the homeless shelter barge designed by Le Corbusier, floating on the River Seine.
Two piers donated from Japan were completed.
Few people know that Le Corbusier designed "Asile Flottant" (a floating shelter) that can be said as a floating architecture at the request of the World Salvation Army. "Asile Flottant" was completed in 1929 for the purpose of accommodating women refugees who were in Paris city due to the turmoil of World War I. Le Corbusier implemented an ideal inner space as a modern architecture by adding pillars, a roof and horizontal windows to the state of only a concrete box-shaped hull. Then, it is still floating on the left bank of the River Seine 1 km upstream from Notre Dame Cathedral. As a result of aging, it lost the function as a building in the beginning of this century; but five volunteers including Mr. Michel Cantal-Dupart have been carring out the restoration work from 2005. This autumn a pier donated by Japan will be set up, it will be restored as a functional building from 2018 again. On this occation, we will introduce Asile Flottant, based on materials at the time of completion provided by Foundation Le Corbusier and present photos and images. This exhibition also cooperates with the "Asile Flottant JAPAN ARCHITECT Exhibition" introducing contemporary Japanese architects to be held inside the Asile Flottant in the coming autumn.
2019.11.18 | INFORMATION
アジール・フロッタン へ日本から寄贈する2つの桟橋が完成しました。
2019.05.10 | INFORMATION
2019.11.11| INFORMATION
浮上工事会社が決まりました。 後はフランスの監督官庁の許可を待ち、いよいよ 浮上工事の準備に入ります。
2001.01.01 | INFORMATION
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2019.05.18 | INFORMATION
2019 年5 月31 日 アジール・フロッタン復活イベ ントが開催されます。
2001.01.01 | INFORMATION
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Two piers donated from Japan were completed.