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About Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier (1887-1965) is one of the three great masters of modern architecture.
He is the origin of modernist architecture that continues to this day.
Born in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, to the father of a clock face craftsman and the mother of a piano teacher, Corbusier studied sculpture and engraving at a local school of decorative arts to take over the family business. It is. However, he abandoned his career as a watchmaker due to low vision and entered an art school with the aim of becoming a painter, but at the recommendation of the principal who discovered his talent while attending school, he began his career in architecture.
After gaining experience in several design offices, he established his own office.
In 1914, he devised a domino system in which only slabs, pillars, and stairs were the main elements of architecture, which was completely different from the traditional architectural style of Western Europe, and advocated modernist architecture with the belief of functionality. He was an architect who always pioneered and created new architectural theories, such as announcing "Five Principles of New Architecture (Piloti, Free Plane, Free Elevation, Horizontal Continuous Window with Independent Frame, Roof Garden)".
In his later years, he was exploring new architectural expressions not only with theory but also with outstanding high modeling power, such as working on modeling architecture that was different from the geometric design seen in the early days.
In 2016, his 17 works scattered around the world were registered as World Cultural Heritage, and their cultural value was recognized by the world.




La Roche-Jeannelet House


Ronchamp Chapel

Villa Savoye2.jpg

Villa Savoye


La Tourette monastery


Unite d'Habitation in Marseille


National Museum of Western Art

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